The current membership of ADSS Cymru includes statutory directors of social services, heads of children’s services, heads of adult services, heads of business services and nominated managers from the 22 local authorities and regional partnerships across Wales.

Together with our Honorary members (many of whom are our colleagues who have now retired from their roles as directors or heads of service) and our Associate members, we have over 320 members who are able to participate in supporting our national role. 

ADSS Cymru must continue to be the channel by which that voice can be heard and to grow its membership in order to increase our impact. We will continue to review our membership to ensure that we involve a growing number of professionals in our work. Over the next few years we will:

• Seek to increase our membership base to reflect the changing roles of those who lead our social care services

• Ensure that we involve a growing number of professionals in our work

• Review the scope of our associate membership to expand the range of individuals and include the potential for organisational membership.