Commenting on the new Anti-Racist Action Plan for Wales, Jonathan Griffiths, President of ADSS Cymru, said:
‘ADSS Cymru welcomes and supports Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Action Plan for Wales. As the Action Plan states, ADSS Cymru wholeheartedly agrees that “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people make an immeasurable contribution to a prosperous, healthier, more equal Wales with vibrant cultures and thriving languages”’.
‘The Plan has been co-designed with communities to pave the way for radical, systemic, long-term change. It specifically contains a landmark set of goals for the social care sector in Wales, “to embed active anti-racist practice throughout the workforce and delivery of services”. Coming in the wake of the greater impact of Covid-19 on minority ethnic people, this Plan is a vitally needed call to action for our sector.’
‘It is important for us to acknowledge that some ethnic minority people have reported in the Plan that their lived experiences of social care services have, on occasion, “lacked compassion and empathy, and at times, they have felt as if they were not listened to and that their needs were not met”. This is unacceptable and we are committed to working with Welsh Government to help to make sustainable, long-term change.’
‘We are open and responsive to Welsh Government’s call for organisations like ours to support the actions outlined in the Plan, and we understand that change will happen through listening to those with lived experience, and will be rights-based, open and transparent. We will continue to work closely with Welsh Government to help implement the goals required by 2030.’
‘ADSS Cymru recently completed a programme of work called “Increasing the take-up of social care by people from minority ethnic communities” as part of Welsh Government’s Delivering Transformation Grant work programme for 2021/22. The aim of the study was to develop a deeper and clearer understanding of the barriers encountered when people from minority ethnic communities need care and support, which evidence shows is less than the average for the whole population. The report is available to read on our website by clicking here.’
‘It is impossible to imagine the social care system in Wales without the vital contribution that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people make, and ADSS Cymru is committed to working with Welsh Government and our stakeholders and partners to build an anti-racist Wales.’
The Anti-Racist Action Plan can be downloaded to read in a variety of formats on Welsh Government’s website here.